If, I lost my vision
I would still be able to see you
If, I lost my hearing
I still would be able to hear you
I still…
Frozen in time and space
I experience the present of the moment
Where memories exist
Beyond the past and future torments
If, I lost my touch with my senses
I would be able to feel you
If, I lost my sense of smell
I still would be able to smell you enter the door
I still…

Stand among broken branches
Where leaves grow
The trunk maybe split
The roots still are where life flows
If, I lost my tongue
I still would be able to talk
Tasting the sweet and sour aroma
Of our conversations
If, I lost my life
I still would live a happy death
I still…
Walk upright, loins girt
Footprints connected
To Mother Earth
Giving birth to a movement
If, I lost my heart beat in the chaos of the city
I still would be able to dance with you
If, I lost my mind
I still would be able to remember you
I still…
Stand strong
You gave me life
And I still know
That any moment I could be lost