Saturday, August 27, 2011

I Surrender.

I was a scab torn away from my bed this morning. I suppose the Divine figured I was healed. I wonder what the prognosis is. Dreams can accomplish amazing feats that I am sure medical professionals and spiritual leaders would consider miracles. Dreams are miracles. Its been an amazing week. I have been moving. I have come to understand as long as I keep moving, forward or backward do not exist. I like to say if it is moving its benefits my body, mind and spirit.

I cannot say that it has been all footsteps have been easily placed without contemplation. But, I have learned not to repent my choices because I have learned so much from being mindful. I surrendered to God. I made the conscious decision to peel away my skin and placed my mind in a treasure box and placed it in space. I was in control of being out of control of time. "Whatever happens happens. " Nothing happens to me. Things merely happen. And happen, they do.
In silence I find the covered steps of God in the sand.

This week I have been so bombarded with conversation that I decided that I would become the listener. We, as humans, are so deceived by our mind that at times we speak quickly and not necessarily know what we are saying or meant by saying it. And in my moments of silence I have been able to be mindful in others space. I have become happier and honored to be in a both close friends and difficult people's space.

I know this is another step to Mind Transformation. I know that I am unable to control my mind. But, I am able to transform my self to enjoy others. And I am devoting my life to selfless acts. It is easier to die for a cause, but I am desire to live for a cause.

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